Paying for bills / services on our website

1. Sign up if you do not already have an account and login

2. Select service (e.g. MTN Topup) from the "View Services" page

3. Enter your phone number, the amount of top up you would like to purchase and click "Continue"

4. Review your order summary, select your payment method (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Verve , Bank USSD) and click "Pay"

5. Enter your payment details, click "Pay" and you are all set!

6. Your phone will be automatically topped up in less than a minute!

Paying for bills / services on our app

1. Download the CrispPay app for free (if you have not already)

2. Sign up if you don't already have an account (if you have an CrispPay account online, you can use the same account)

3. Login, select service (e.g. MTN Topup)

4. Review your order summary

5. Select your payment method (e.g. Visa, MasterCard, Verve, Bank USSD), click "Pay" and you are all set!

6. Your phone will be automatically topped up in less than a minute!